I'll not post any of my devotionals again until February 24th. Enjoy the continued study on the imagination of the heart.
Nate Part 2 of 2. Surround yourself with encouraging people…people who believe in you. Use your unique gifts and talents for His glory.
For further study on the Imagination… Growing up we’ve all been encouraged by teachers and parents to use our imagination. In athletics we use our imagination during the off season, practices, pregames, etc. Here are some examples of Free Time where our imaginations tend to kick in most often: On Computers, On Phones, Time at the Pool / Beach, Watching Movies, Listening to Music / watching Music Videos, Binging on TV Series, Involved in Art (posters, t-shirts, etc.), Parties coming up, Anything that involves “doing” (an activity) has the potential for our minds to aimlessly wander away from our goal of bringing Glory to God. School: Studying for tests, working on projects, etc. What can we fill our minds with? What ideas can occupy our minds? So what do you think of when you hear the term “imagination”?
Or over the stormy sea, It may not be at the battle’s front My Lord will have need of me. But if, by a still, small voice he calls To paths that I do not know, I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine: I’ll go where you want me to go. (Chorus) I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, Over mountain or plain or sea; I’ll say what you want me to say, dear Lord; I’ll be what you want me to be. Perhaps today there are loving words Which Jesus would have me speak; There may be now in the paths of sin Some wand’rer whom I should seek. O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide, Tho dark and rugged the way, My voice shall echo the message sweet: I’ll say what you want me to say. (Chorus) There’s surely somewhere a lowly place In earth’s harvest fields so wide Where I may labor through life’s short day For Jesus, the Crucified. So trusting my all to thy tender care, And knowing thou lovest me, I’ll do thy will with a heart sincere: I’ll be what you want me to be. (Chorus)
Song: “I can only imagine” by Mercy Me (Here’s a wholesome thought/song to think on). Hymn: Nothing between (www.hymnsite.com) 1. Nothing between my soul and my Savior, naught of this world's delusive dream; I have renounced all sinful pleasure; Jesus is mine, there's nothing between. Refrain: Nothing between my soul and my Savior, so that his blessed face may be seen; nothing preventing the least of his favor; keep the way clear! let nothing between. 2. Nothing between, like worldly pleasure; habits of life, though harmless they seem, must not my heart from him ever sever; he is my all, there's nothing between. 3. Nothing between, like pride or station; self or friends shall not intervene; though it may cost me much tribulation, I am resolved, there's nothing between. 4. Nothing between, e'en many hard trials, though the whole world against me convene; watching with prayer and much self denial, I'll triumph at last, there's nothing between. Hymn: Search me O God (www.cyberhymnal.org) Search me, O God, And know my heart today; Try me, O Savior, Know my thoughts, I pray. See if there be Some wicked way in me; Cleanse me from every sin And set me free. I praise Thee, Lord, For cleansing me from sin; Fulfill Thy Word, And make me pure within. Fill me with fire Where once I burned with shame; Grant my desire To magnify Thy Name. Lord, take my life, And make it wholly Thine; Fill my poor heart With Thy great love divine. Take all my will, My passion, self and pride; I now surrender, Lord In me abide. O Holy Ghost, Revival comes from Thee; Send a revival, Start the work in me. Thy Word declares Thou wilt supply our need; For blessings now, O Lord, I humbly plead.
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AuthorNate Smith is a husband, a father of 6 girls, grandpa to 3 granddaughters and one grandson, a police and fire chaplain, a pastor, and has a passion to see men grow in Christ. #girldad including granddaughter
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