Notice: In the points below I refer to ADULT believers. I truly believe that Scripture is clear that whom God loves He chastens/disciplines (Proverbs 3:12; Hebrews 12:6), and that throughout scripture He is always THE direct AGENT/DISTRIBUTOR of punishment/consequences for sin, regardless of whether or not the sinner is repentant or unrepentant…His way and timing are always perfect. In order to follow suit, earthly fathers are to do the same towards their own adolescent children (Hebrews 12:6-11). But never in the NT do we find an example of a parent or other adults disciplining other repentant adult believers, especially the disciplining of another person’s adult child (adolescent child as well). Unfortunately, this has become a normal traditional practice within our circles that needs humble reevaluation, reconsideration and the making of appropriate changes. I believe there is an age of accountability towards others for any sin committed, especially accountability for unrepentance (Matthew 18:15-20). Twice in John 9:21-23 we read that the parents of the man born blind told the Jewish leaders to discontinue asking the father and mother questions. Rather, his parents replied, “Ask him. He is of age.” Therefore, all I refer to below will deal with how believers should correctly respond to their fellow repentant brothers and sisters in the Lord. I keep it at believers because we need to set the tone in our communities and be a true representation for Him and for His glory. That doesn’t mean we can’t show grace, love, mercy and forgiveness to those outside the faith…we just need to do a better job of how we treat ONE ANOTHER who are In Christ. Otherwise we’ll never have a voice in the life of an unbeliever, and we’ll develop walls between ourselves and the unbelieving world, because why would they ever want to become a part of a community that treats each other so badly!
Nate Passages supporting that God is to be THE sole distributing Agent.
Supporting Definitions:
As the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, So our eyes look to the Lord our God, Until He has mercy on us.
Point #5: What should be the proper Biblical response of the repentant adult believer?
My faithful Father, enduring Friend Your tender mercy's like a river with no end It overwhelms me, covers my sin Each time I come into Your presence I stand in wonder once again Your grace still amazes me Your love is still a mystery Each day I fall on my knees 'Cause Your grace still amazes me Your grace still amazes me Oh, patient Saviour, You make me whole You are the Author and the Healer of my soul What can I give You, Lord, what can I say I know there's no way to repay You Only to offer You my praise Your grace still amazes me Your love is still a mystery Each day I fall on my knees 'Cause Your grace still amazes me Your grace still amazes me It's deeper, it's wider It's stronger, it's higher It's deeper it's wider It's stronger, it's higher than anything my eyes can see Your grace still amazes me Your love is still a mystery Each day I fall on my knees 'Cause Your grace still amazes me Your grace still amazes me
Hope this study has been helpful. Feel free to comment on anything I’ve written…I’m humble enough to consider others thoughts and opinions. Practicing His Presence, Nate
You're closest to God when you're at your weakest. Terry Freeborn
Real Dudes, We were so blessed to have had 13 men present at Ox Strong this past Saturday…many others viewed the livestream / YouTube recording of it as well. Terry did a fantastic job navigating us through the journey the Lord’s been taking him through his entire life. Below are the follow-up notes I put together for you if you didn’t have time to view his challenge on-line. Enjoy! Nate Terry Freeborn was born in Rockford, Illinois, but has lived in Grinnell for seventy plus years. His class was one of the first to be in the new Grinnell High School and he graduated in 1962. When he got married he didn’t attend church. It wasn’t until they had children until they began attending church regularly. It all started with a nudge from their oldest and middle son’s encouraging them to get back into church. God began to show him how he needed to correctly view life as a whole as a grandfather and father. He’d spent too much time catering to self, and needed God to shift his focus for him. As he and his wife began attending church, Terry began to see spiritual growth, growth in a church family, and his wife Judy was pleased with how everything was going. They were attending First Baptist Church here in town and he became very close friends with their pastor. Once their pastor had left, then Terry and Judy began the search for a new church to attend. First impressions were very important to them. How did the regulars make them feel when they visited their church? Some churches seemed like the right fit, but they didn’t want to feel lost in the numerical growth of a large church. God led them to PLC where it’s been a perfect family fit for them. They’re in-line with their beliefs and practices. They feel as though they can openly share their hearts and do life with other transparent attendees. They enjoy the messages and it’s easy to block out all else in this world as they listen to what God’s relaying to them through His messengers…just allowing God’s word to be absorbed into every aspect of their lives. Church family has been so important to them. Knowing that someone cares about your pains and losses means a lot. Knowing they’re praying for you is priceless. Terry and Judy’s oldest son died at age 54, leaving behind a wife and eight children. They were all devastated and overwhelmed with grief. Terry learned to lean on the Lord and continue to have faith even in tough times. His church family was there for him when he needed them most. The day after they received the call that their son had passed away, Terry and his wife decided to attend church…just like their son would have wanted them to. They could feel the prayers from their church family. In 2013 Terry began having heart issues as well (he’s had many family members with varying heart conditions). In 2018 Terry ended up having open heart surgery. Between 2013 and 2018 his wife would constantly worry about him and his heart. And Terry too was concerned about his own life. This was a humbling surgery for him. They would have to shut his heart off and jump start it. He felt helpless, but came to discover that he’s the closest to God when he’s at his weakest. He was so thankful for friends that came out of the woodwork. What would we do without hope? Without church family? Without the Lord? Who would we have to lean into and on? Post-surgery had many challenges of its own. Rehab wasn’t easy. He didn’t have much appetite. His wellness instructor sold him some weight training equipment and also took the time to show him how to properly use it. Time in rehab provided lots of time to think. He’d think about his walk with the Lord. He’d think about what the Lord’s done for him, and how He’s got him through. He truly believes that God was and is at his every beckon call…he just needed to slow down and listen. Realizing it or not, he was growing in the Lord. When assistance or a crutch is there to lean on, then take hold of it…life will get better. God’s got you. He’s always present. Pray to Him. Read about Him in His word. Attend a solid Bible-believing church. Reach out to Him in your time of need. It doesn’t pay off when you go your own way in life. That’s when turmoil strikes quickest and hardest. Good alert systems in place are irreplaceable when trying to get back on His path. Just when Terry thought he needed to be his family’s protector and provider, he realized that God is far better at it than he’ll ever be. Keep looking back and recognizing/seeing/remembering all that God’s been doing in developing your unique story. Be thankful for those subtle reminders that God sends your way to get you back in Church and to begin growing closer to Him once again. Remain Humble and Keep Looking Up. Practicing His Presence, Nate Songs:
Condoning…a Silent Promotion.
These last few years my family has endured some hardships from extended family whom we thought loved us for nearly fifty years. Aunts, Uncles, and even some very close Cousins turned a blind eye to our situation and still continue to rub salt in the wounds…Cousins didn’t want to be inconvenienced or disrespectful to their parents, even though they knew that what they were doing was wrong. It hurt…still deeply hurts to know that their silence and hunger for money could divide a family so quickly and cause such deep wounds. I have to be honest…it doesn’t take much to become bitter about it all even to this day. For many years a condoning of wrong action by several has become an evil cancer among many within our society. How did this happen? Maybe we weren’t the ones actually getting our hands dirty in the action, but our silence relayed the message of approval in many ways. We can look at this from several different angles: whether it be racism, family matters, or even more importantly the lack of sharing God’s word with a lost and dying world all that’s all around us. What message is our silence and condoning sending when the evil is evident? Can’t you hear the cries of those around you as their lives are telling you they need help? What action is God asking and commanding you to take? As followers of Christ we know what is right. We know what to do. We know what stance to take. We have the answers. We have the solution, the vaccination…let’s not be a silent people. Our world needs Jesus, now we just have to be bold enough to share Him with them!!! Practicing His Presence, Nate Romans 1:32 (NKJV) who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. “But fairly or not, when every nearly other team* releases a statement, the Knicks’ silence becomes seen as a stance in itself.” Jalen Rose once said that, “silence equals violence.” Jalen and Jacoby Show Natasha Cloud stated that, “your silence is a knee on my neck.” Stephen a smith...“if you're silent you're compliant”...ESPN Dr. Harry Edwards stated that, “Silence is evil's greatest and most enduring ally.” Grant Hill, “You are promoting and condoning…when you don’t shine a light on it.” |
AuthorNate Smith is a husband, a father of 6 girls, grandpa to 3 granddaughters and one grandson, a police and fire chaplain, a pastor, and has a passion to see men grow in Christ. #girldad including granddaughter
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