Last time I wrote on giving ear to the Lord alone. In addition, let me encourage you today and this weekend to take some time to do some self-examination in the following areas of your life…Am I giving ear to God alone? And, Am I letting God know that I need Him? Here is a song in prayer to help you get into the right mindset as you make a serious attempt to answer those questions…Song: I Need You by Shane and Shane...begin at the 11:50 mark.
Practicing His Presence, Nate
In 1979, a band by the name of the Romantics wrote and sang the song “What I Like About You.” The musician states what it is he likes about the one he’s singing to…it’s the fact that this person tells him all the things that he wants to hear when she keeps on whispering in his ear.
Ahhhh…so lovely and romantic, right? Can’t you imagine these words coming out of a serpent’s mouth? So cunning/crafty (Genesis 3:1) as a serpent, and so smooth as the words that are known to flow from the mouth of an adulterous woman (Proverbs 5:3-22, and Chapters 7-9). In The Garden, Adam and Eve had two choices…give ear to God or give ear to the serpent (Satan). What God had to say sounded good at first, but then they chose to give ear to Satan. Satan had a subtle and deceptive way of twisting truth and telling Adam and Eve exactly what he knew they’d want to hear. They chose to buy into his lies and that’s when everything fell apart (The Fall). God has also given us today the opportunity to give ear to what it is that we want to hear. What voice will we choose to listen to? Below are some points and verses that relate to what God desires that we give ear to, along with points and verses that explain what it is that He warns us to not give ear to. Matthew 11:15 (NLT) states that, “Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!” What is it that we should be Listening to and Understanding? Give Ear To… Him…to God alone (Job 34:2; Isaiah 51:4; John 14:6) His Commandments (Exodus 15:26) His law/Word…to the words/voice/speech that comes from His mouth (Psalm 78:1; Isaiah 1:10; 32:9; 51:4; Jeremiah 9:20) And Don’t Give Ear To… Those who speak from their own mind, and not from the Lord’s mouth (Jeremiah 14:14; 23:16; Ezekiel 13:6; Jude 1:18) False Hope (Jeremiah 23:16) False Prophets (Jeremiah 14:14; 27:9; Ezekiel 13:6; Matthew 7:15; 1 John 4:1) False Apostles (2 Corinthians 11:13) False Gospel Messages (Galatians 1:8-9) False Doctrine/Teaching (Isaiah 30:10; 1 Timothy 1:10; 2 Timothy 4:3) 2 Timothy 4:3 (NLT) reminds us of the fact that “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.” Itching Ears…Sounds just like the song from the Romantics that we started out with in this devo. May God’s desires become your desires (Psalm 37:4). May that which upsets Him, also be upsetting and concerning to you as well (Proverbs 6:16-19). Allow the Lord to continue to be that voice of truth that keeps on whispering in your ear…telling you ALL the things that you want and need to hear (2 Peter 1:3). Learn to like, no wait, better yet, learn to love that about Him. Let Him know that you NEED Him in your ear. You have a choice to make each day…which voice will you allow to speak into your life? Which voice will you give ear to? The apostle Paul, in Ephesians 4:27, warns us to not give the devil a foothold/opportunity/chance/place in our lives. DO NOT GIVE EAR TO HIM!!! Will you heed your brothers warning today and not give ear to Satan and his followers? For further study…do a word search in for words or phrases such as, “take heed,” “Remember,” “Listen,” “Whisper,” etc. I’m sure you’ll find very similar results as I did when I searched for “give ear.” Songs: I'm Listening by Chris McClarney Listen by Marvin Sapp Practicing His Presence, Nate As a parent, you’ve probably caught yourself thinking of saying, or actually telling your child somewhere along the line, that “You’re testing my patience.” We often get all worked up in those moments and most likely don’t respond correctly towards the recipient of our wrath.
Have you ever wondered what God must be thinking about His children when they fail to trust His perfect timing, plans and provisions? Have you ever wondered what God must be thinking when His children attempt to do life their own way and in their own timing? Have you ever wondered who is testing who’s patience? Indeed, God is testing His children’s patience. Not so He can enjoy pushing their hot buttons. Not so He can watch His children squirm in their anxieties. He wants to know if we truly trust Him, His plan, and His timing (maybe that’s why the children of Israel had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years). But we also are testing His patience. It’s just good to know that He will ALWAYS respond in a perfect, and patient, and loving way. Oh, how we have much to continue learning in our maturation process. Let me challenge you with this…just when you are tempted to think or tell someone that they’re testing your patience, stop, and ask yourself, “Am I testing the Lord’s patience?” or, “is the Lord testing my patience today?” And “Am I passing His tests?” How can I be more patient with others today? Be patient with Him and others as He is patient with you!!! Test your own patience sometime. Need something? Pray for it and test your patience. Allow God an opportunity to answer your request His way and time. Practicing His Presence, Nate Song: Patient by Apollo LTD “I need only to be still.” Children's Song that we as adults even need to learn from and apply: Patience by Herbert the Snail “When you get impatient, you only start to worry.” Remember, that God is patient too. And think of all the times when others have to wait for you.” This song tells us what the moral is to this tale…what is it? Real Dudes,
Let me encourage you to follow this link and select the message Mighty Men of Valor by Brother Aaron Margene Aaron is my brother-in-law and he did a fantastic job delivering God's word to His people. Hope you get a chance to view it. Enjoy, Nate Jordan St. Cyr recognizes that, “He [God] has made us stronger, and He has grown our faith in ways that we never thought was possible. He’s taken the hardest parts of our story to refine our hearts and draw us closer to Him.” Jordan St. Cyr, story behind his song Fires
This is his story, this is his song, praising his Savior all the day long. God's given each of us a story. What is it that Jordan points out above that God's doing with you and your story? Take some time to speak with the Lord about this throughout your day. Be honest with Him...He already knows your heart. Be willing to allow Him to refine you for His honor and glory! Practicing His Presence, Nate |
AuthorNate Smith is a husband, a father of 6 girls, grandpa to 3 granddaughters and one grandson, a police and fire chaplain, a pastor, and has a passion to see men grow in Christ. #girldad including granddaughter
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