The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Feeding Off in this way, “to gain strength, energy, or support from (something).”
This past Sunday our Pastor made a joke while he was preaching and those in attendance burst out in laughter…it was evident that he fed off of their laughter. He laughed with them and was able to transition into his connecting thought because of the support he felt at the time. Sometimes when working out I feed off of the type of music I’m listening to. You see, whether it’s music, laughter, the news, or whatever it may be, people feed off of something or someone…what or who is it that you feed off of? Is it evident to others as to where your strength, energy or support comes from? As you're being fed, are you then helping feed others? What are you feeding them…anger, bitterness, wrath, pride, unrest, anxiety, fear, vengeance, backbiting, spiritual weakness, tearing down, or fruit of the spirit / image of Him / His characteristics…what is it and what needs to possibly change? Do others sense or feel your support, help, kindness, love, encouragement, forgiveness, spiritual strength, humility, etc.? Hope it helps to think through these questions and the verses below... Practicing His Presence, Nate Verses to Reflect On…
Yesterday we received some sad news concerning one of our families at the Marshfield PD. The phrase “puts everything into perspective,” kept running through my mind. Listen, I don’t know what you’re experiencing in life right now, but let me challenge you to put everything into perspective as you’re navigating through it. On that note, let me also encourage you to tell your wife and kids that you love them today. There’s an older song that has the phrase “Have I told you lately that I love you?” That’s a phrase that I’ll text my wife on occasion. Who in your life needs to hear that from you. Just remember, you never know the last time that you might see or speak with the ones you love.
Nate Elon Musk’s net worth is $198 Billion. Each month he brings in approximately $200 Million. Makes one wonder, “what is my net worth?” More importantly, “what is my net worth in Christ?” A few years ago author Boyd Bailey wrote the following article that answers this question for us.
Hope you enjoy! Nate “‘My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’. Colossians 2:2-3 Our financial net worth need not define who we are. If it does, we become fickled, fearful, faithless and enslaved to economic security. Our worth is not wrapped around Wall Street or Main Street, but the Streets of Gold. For followers of Jesus, what He believes about us defines us. I can become fixated on my personal balance sheet and murmur in disbelief, or I can believe what Jesus says about me—precious, highly valued, a king and a priest. My worth is defined by the wonder of His grace, His unconditional love and His gift of eternal life. Money does not make the man, man makes the money, but most importantly our Master Jesus Christ marks us. The fingerprints of God are forever embedded on our body, soul and spirit. He bought us, so He owns us through the blood of His son Jesus. Our born again birth certificate reads, ‘Christian’. We are highly valued in heaven. ‘But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.’ Ephesians 2:13 Christians have a much greater cause than cash and earthly kingdoms. There is a Kingdom, not of this world, whose goal is to glorify God. You are valuable, not by how much money you have, but by how much your Master has you. Your Savior Jesus defines you as a forgiven child of God who, by faith, is filled with the Holy Spirit for good works. Guilt is replaced by grace, fear flees in the face of faith, pride melts under the influence of humility, and hope has its way in the heart of surrendered Christians. Therefore, define your net worth by the things Jesus deems valuable, and you are rich indeed. Count your many blessings, not your coins, and you will become content. You are of high net worth if ‘Christ in you’ is your hope in glory. Your real net worth is His eternal riches. ‘For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.’ 2 Corinthians 8:9 What is my net worth as defined by what Jesus says are the most valuable assets I have? Related Readings: Ephesians 1:11-14; Hebrews 10:19; 11:26; 1 Timothy 4:8” In the New Living Translation, the phrase “O LORD, why…?” occurs three times in the book of Psalms. The psalmist had some very serious questions for the Lord. What about you? Do you find yourself coming to God and ask the “Why?” questions, or do you shy away from those types of conversations with Him? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing so out of reverence towards Him, besides, He already knows your every thought anyway. So, how about you? What “why…?” question(s) do you have for Him today? Bring it to Him and see where the conversation goes from there.
Praying for each of you, Nate Psalm 10:1 (NLT) O Lord, why do you stand so far away? Why do you hide when I am in trouble? Psalm 44:23 (NLT) Wake up, O Lord! Why do you sleep? Get up! Do not reject us forever. Psalm 88:14 (NLT) O Lord, why do you reject me? Why do you turn your face from me? Hymn: Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus by Casting Crowns
Real Dudes, Would highly encourage you to listen to the hymn/song above and then answer the question, “What do you consider to be the so sweet in your faith journey?” Then take some time to talk with the Lord about that…He’d love to hear from you. Practicing His Presence, Nate |
AuthorNate Smith is a husband, a father of 6 girls, grandpa to 3 granddaughters and one grandson, a police and fire chaplain, a pastor, and has a passion to see men grow in Christ. #girldad including granddaughter
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